Prosjekt Haiti

A Haitian/Norwegian non-profit organization that has served children, youth and women in Haiti since October 2000, focusing on education and social entrepreneurship.

I started this journey with Nina Bønå, 24 years ago, when we co-founded the organization and opened our first school in Port au Prince; Ecole Petit Troll. Our projects are run in collaboration with a board of directors in Norway, and the local Haitian staff. 


All photos by Sveinung Konradsen. Instagram @a_arthur_photography

Prosjekt Haiti

A Haitian/Norwegian non-profit organization that has served children, youth and women in Haiti since October 2000, focusing on education and social entrepreneurship.

I started this journey with Nina Bønå, 24 years ago, when we co-founded the organization and opened our first school in Port au Prince; Ecole Petit Troll. Our activities are led in collaboration with by a board of directors in Norway and the local Haitian staff. 

All photos by Sveinung Konradsen. Instagram @a_arthur_photography


The idea to start a non-profit organization came while living in Port au Prince and learning about the lack of schools and educational opportunities for the poor segment of the population.

I had moved from Norway to Haiti in 1997 to be with my Haitian boyfriend. With me I had a fresh masters degree in Human Rights from the University of London, and I was full of optimism and idealism. I wanted to be a part of making a positive impact in other people's lives, and starting a school seemed a noble and fun project to endeavour upon. I invited my friend Nina Bønå to join me on this journey as a co-founder of Prosjekt Haiti.  

In October 2000 we established our first project "Ecole Petit Troll" with 33 pupils and 5 employees in Delmas, Port au Prince. During the next 24 years we expanded to work in St Louis du Sud, as well as doing social entrepreneurship programmes with women, and youth groups. Several thousands of kids have been a part of the programmes during the last 24 years. We have built a bakery, a sewing studio and a hair salon. We have provided literacy,- and work training for hundreds of women and youth groups.


The idea to start a non-profit organization came while living in Port au Prince and learning about the lack of schools and educational opportunities for the poor segment of the population.

I had moved from Norway to Haiti in 1997 to be with my Haitian boyfriend. With me I had a fresh masters degree in Human Rights from the University of London, and I was full of optimism and idealism. I wanted to be a part of making a positive impact in other people's lives, and starting a school seemed a noble and fun project to endeavour upon. I invited my friend Nina Bønå to join me on this journey as a co-founder of Prosjekt Haiti.  

In October 2000 we established our first project "Ecole Petit Troll" with 33 pupils and 5 employees in Delmas, Port au Prince. During the next 24 years we expanded to work in St Louis du Sud, as well as doing social entrepreneurship programmes with women, and youth groups. Several thousands of kids have been a part of the programmes during the last 24 years. We have built a bakery, a sewing studio and a hair salon. We have provided literacy,- and work training for hundreds of women and youth groups. 

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I was 5 years old when i first started my education at Petit Troll as part of the first 33 kids invited to join the school back in 2000. I did well at school despite having a heart issue that held me back physically. However, I was taken good care of at the school, and graduated from 6th grade with top grades. Today I am proud to say I am a newly graduated medical doctor, and Petit Troll means so much to me as my academic starting point. 

Dara Alexis, Medical Doctor. 


Creating and leading the work to develop Prosjekt Haiti has been a great blessing for me. I feel that I have been part of something very meaningful, and it has given me many, many fun and interesting learning experiences.

It has not always been easy to work in a country like Haiti, with countless challenges as things outside our power have developed, including natural catastrophes, insecurity, criminal gangs and so on. However, as our team has grown with local staff members, they have become part of my family. I am impressed by how my Haitian staff & co-workers handle their everyday challenges, continuing their vision and goal of being part of educating Haiti's next generation of leaders, despite all the outside "noise". 

Together with a board of directors in Norway we are in the business of doing our very best to prepare as many children as we can to be the best version of themselves. 

Education is key to break the poverty curse that our pupils are born into. We are proud to take part in this vision. 


Creating and leading the work to develop Prosjekt Haiti has been a great blessing. I feel that I have been part of something very meaningful, and it has given me many, many fun and interesting learning experiences.

It has not always been easy to work in a country like Haiti, with countless challenges as things outside our power have developed, including natural catastrophes, insecurity, criminal gangs and so on.

However, as our team has grown with local staff members, they have become part of my family. I am impressed by how my Haitian staff & co-workers handle their everyday challenges, continuing their vision and goal of being part of educating Haiti's next generation of leaders, despite all the outside "noise".  Together with a board of directors in Norway we are in the business of doing our very best to prepare as many children as we can to be the best version of themselves. 

Education is key to break the poverty curse that our pupils are born into. We are proud to take part in this vision. 


Would you like to support?

We depend on financial support from you to be able to run our projects. Please check out the link for information on how to help or send me an email at : [email protected]

We are very grateful for your support!

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Would you like to support our work?

We depend on financial support from you all to be able to run our projects. Please check out the link for information on how to help or send me an email: [email protected]

We are very grateful for your support! 
