Ingvill Konradsen

Freelancer, creative writing & storytelling enthusiast.

Ingvill Konradsen

Freelancer, creative writing & stoyrtelling enthusiast.

The twins of Ti Marasa - and the mystical football tournament


Join us in an exciting universe where Mickelito and Emilio are sent out on a mysterious football tournament to try to save their village. The story has elements of Haitian and Norwegian folklore with, among other things, trolls and angry sea goddesses.

The book is translated to English, Norwegian, Italian & Haitian Creole


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The twins of Ti Marasa - and the mystical football tournament

Join us in an exciting universe where Mickelito and Emilio are sent out on a mysterious football tournament to try to save their village. The story has elements of Haitian and Norwegian folklore with, among other things, trolls and angry sea goddesses.



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"Ti Marasa" 

A children's book for kids (6-10) who enjoy football, strange creatures and reading!

Choose your copy in either English, Norwegian, Italian or Haitian Creole.

Kreyol ayisyen

Jimo Vilaj ti Marasa yo - Yon chanpyona foutbòl ki plen sipriz.

Istwa sa a, se eksperyans otè a te viv Ayiti ak twa (3) pitit gason li: Mikkel, Emil, ak Odin


Norsk versjon

Tvillingene fra Ti Marasa - og den mystiske fotballturneringen er inspirert av forfatterens erfaringer med å jobbe i Haiti over mange år. Hovedkarakterene i boka er basert på hennes tvillingsønner.

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Versione italiano

I Gemelli di Ti Marasa - E il Magico Torneo di Calcio si ispirano alle esperienze di lavoro dell'autore ad Haiti per molti anni. I personaggi principali del libro sono basati sui suoi figli gemelli.



Kreyol ayisyen

Jimo Vilaj ti Marasa yo - Yon chanpyona foutbòl ki plen sipriz

Istwa sa a, se eksperyans otè a te viv Ayiti ak twa (3) pitit gason li: Mikkel, Emil, ak Odin.


Norsk versjon

Tvillingene fra Ti Marasa - og den mystiske fotballturneringen er inspirert av forfatterens erfaringer med å jobbe i Haiti over mange år. Hovedkarakterene i boka er basert på hennes tvillingsønner.

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Versioni Italiano

I Gemelli di Ti Marasa - E il Magico Torneo di Calcio si ispirano alle esperienze di lavoro dell'autore ad Haiti per molti anni. I personaggi principali del libro sono basati sui suoi figli gemelli.


Not for amateurs - a blog about life's many surprises 

I will do my best try to make you laugh (with me, not at me). I might add a little bit of reflection into the mix, as I write my way through the ups and downs of midlife as a happy divorcee. I will take you with me on my travels and excursions around the world, as I search to uncover those good stories that are waiting to be told.

Haiti - The curse of the Black Pearl ?

Mar 07, 2025

Senja creative Retreat


Join us as we embark together for a creative retreat on the magical island of Senja. You will learn from guest speakers who are masters of storytelling, drama and creative writing to inspire you and nurture your inner Muse. 

Coming: January 2026

The setting: charming fishing villages hid in between steep mountains meeting the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The landscape alone will make your creative juices flow, guaranteed!


This retreat is for anyone looking to develop their storytelling & creative writing skills. It’s also perfect for those seeking a deeper connection with nature, their own voice, and the creativity inherent in storytelling. 


The retreat will take place on the beautiful island of Senja in Northern Norway.

You will stay in charming, comfortable rooms with views of fjords and mountains. 


You will receive the tools to develop your unique storytelling voice. Through guided exercises and support from an experienced mentor, you’ll explore how your experiences can be shaped into powerful narratives.

Find out more

Senja Creative Retreat

Join us as we embark together on a creative retreat on the magical island of Senja. You will learn from guest speakers who are masters of storytelling, drama and creative writing to inspire you and nurture your inner Muse. 

Coming: January 2026

The setting: charming fishing villages hid in between steep mountains meeting the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The landscape alone will make your creative juices flow, guaranteed!


This retreat is for anyone looking to develop their storytelling & creative writing skills. It’s also perfect for those seeking a deeper connection with nature, their own voice, and the creativity inherent in storytelling. 



The retreat will take place on the beautiful island of Senja in Northern Norway. You will stay in charming, comfortable rooms with views of fjords and mountains. All meals are included, prepared with local ingredients. 



You will receive the tools to develop your unique storytelling voice. Through guided exercises and support from an experienced mentor, you’ll explore how your experiences can be shaped into powerful narratives.


Prosjekt Haiti

A Haitian/Norwegian non-profit organization that has served children, youth and women in Haiti since October 2000, focusing on education and social entrepreneurship.

I started this journey with my friend Nina Bønå, 24 years ago, when we co-founded the organization and opened our first school in Port au Prince; Ecole Petit Troll.

Read here for a more personal testimony of my life's work, thus far :)


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Who am I?

I grew up in a small town called Finnsnes, way up north above the Arctic Circle in Norway. I moved to the UK to study Political Science and Human Rights, and in between I travelled to France and Equador to volunteer and learn languages. I have worked in the non-profit sector since the mid 1990s and my life's passion has been the non profit organization Prosjekt Haiti that I co-founded in the year 2000. 

In 2023/24 I decided to embark on a project to write a children's book, inspired by experiences in Haiti, and my sons, Odin, Mikkel and Emil. "The Twins of Ti Marasa - and the Mystical Football Tournament" is published in four languages; Norwegian, English, Italian, and Haitian Creole.  

What I love: as a mother of twins who are professional footballers I can't think of anything more fun that cheering on my boys on the pitch. Also, storytelling, languages, travel, museums & art, and belly laughs with my oldest son in inappropriate places :)

My full circle moment: Moving back to the North after three decades away, only to re-discover its beauty; the mountains, the midnight sun, icebathing and sauna!

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